Scientific Program

The Scientific Program of SILPOLY 2022 will comprise invited lectures and oral and poster presentations contributed by the scientific community.

Thematic Areas

  • 1) Systematic and Taxonomy
  • 2) Ecology
  • 3) Genetic and Philogeography
  • 4) Bioindicators
  • 5) Development, regeneration and reproductive biology
  • 6) Others
1) Systematic and Taxonomy
Papers presenting descriptions and redescriptions of species and/or genera; taxonomic revisions of families and genera; papers on biodiversity; new records of species and genera; papers on phylogeny and systematics; comparisons of species from different biogeographical regions; endemic species; cryptic species.
2) Ecology

Soon more information

3) Genetic and Philogeography

Contributions using molecular tools to answer questions on population genetics and genomics, phylogeography, molecular ecology, biogeography, phylogenetic relationships, population, and conservation genetics in polychaeta fit into this thematic area.

4) Bioindicators

Contributions indicating the use of polychaetes as indicators of ecological status, in bioremediation processes, or their use as biomonitoring species, through methodologies, tools and/or protocols that allow recognizing alterations in the marine environment and that provide information on water quality.

5) Development, regeneration and reproductive biology

Papers using morphological and molecular tools to describe the development and regeneration of annelids during different stages of life development; studies of reproductive cycles, life histories, and methodologies for culturing annelids in the laboratory.

6) Others

This area can include papers related to the presence and expansion of distribution areas, behavior, physiology, interaction between natural systems and productive social systems.

Invited Lectures

Américo Montial

Universidad de Magallanes, Chile

El origen de la poliquetofauna patagónica: síntesis y limitaciones empíricas

Guillermo Valenzuela 

Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile

El cultivo de poliquetos en Chile y sus aplicaciones actuales y potenciales

Natalia Venturini

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Retroceso glaciar promueve cambios funcionales en el ambiente bentónico de fiordos antárticos: el rol de los poliquetos

Juan Iván Cañete

Universidad de Magallanes, Chile

Biodiversidad de poliquetos bentónicos sobre montes submarinos oceánicos frente a la costa de Chile: oportunidades, desafíos y avances